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Sunday, January 3, 2010


http://www.ceylonmap.com/ is the Sri Lanka nation’s first and only interactive and comprehensive multilingual internet mapping system of its kind accessible FREE to the public. It aims to provide an easier way of locating places and tourist attractions by combining the services of the map, an online directory, and a search portal. ceylonmap.com is a detailed and regularly updated interactive map which may be used in the website subscribers, sponsors, private or government institutions at some cost. This site helps you find and know more of Sri Lanka, its Provinces, Political Regions, Municipalities, Districts, Villages Streets, Residential & Commercial Buildings, Government Agencies, Major Business Establishments and Prominent Landmarks and a lot more...Sri Lanka, the Pearl of Indian Ocean, tourists’ paradise, will surely be once again the business hub in South Asia in the near future. Both sectors – Business & Tourism are to be benefitted abundantly by launching the Multilingual Sri Lankan map

1 comment:

  1. sri lanka map,Sri Lanka hartë,خريطة سريلانكا,Шри Ланка

    сайта,Sri Lanka map,斯里兰卡地图,斯里蘭卡地圖,Šri

    Lanka sitea,Srí Lanka mapa  ,Sri Lanka kort  ,Sri Lanka

    kaart  ,Sri Lanka kaart  ,Sri Lanka mapa  ,Sri Lanka

    kartta , Sri Lanka carte  ,Sri Lanka Mapa  ,Sri Lanka

    Karte , Σρι Λάνκα χάρτη  ,מפת סרי לנקה  ,श्रीलंका नक्शा  ,Srí

    Lanka-térkép  ,Sri Lanka peta  ,Sri Lanka Mappa, スリラ

    ンカ地図,스리랑카지도,Šrilanka karte  ,Šri Lanka

    struktūra  ,Sri Lanka map  ,Sri Lanka kart  ,Sri Lanka

    mapie  ,Sri Lanka Mapa , Harta Sri Lanka  ,Карта Шри-

    Ланки  ,Шри Ланка ситеа  ,Srí Lanka mapa  ,Šrilanka

    zemljevid  ,Sri Lanka mapa  ,Sri Lanka karta  ,ศรีลังกา

    แผนที่  ,Sri Lanka harita  ,Карта Шрі-Ланки ,Sri Lanka bản

    đồ  ,
